Challenges facing the youths

  1. Practising and understanding ISLAM
  2. Loving the Deen
  3. Social issues
  4. mixing of opposite sex
  5. alcohol
  6. drugs
  1. Dunya versus akhirat – secular studies and religious studies
  2. Secularism – things taught in school – on Darwin’s theory, LGBT, etc
  3. Poverty

    British Muslims

    British Muslims are by far the most disadvantaged faith group in the UK labour market. They are three times more likely to be unemployed than the majority white group.

    68% of Bangladeshi and Pakistani households are living below the poverty line.

    46% of the British Muslim population are British-born.

    Global Warming

    This is an issue that is going to be faced by every individual. Humans have capitalised on natural resources like oil and gas, which has been estimated by experts to run out in the coming years. The weather is becoming abrupt and unpredictable, the glaciers and Antarctic are melting at a rapid rate, which consequently means sea levels are rising.

    The United States is ranked number one as a global warming polluter compared to other large nations.

    A “plastic soup” of waste floating in the Pacific Ocean is growing at an alarming rate and now covers an area twice the size of the continental United States, scientists have said.

    In just over a week, we produce enough rubbish to fill Wembley stadium. Over half of that waste can be recycled.

    Anti Terror Laws

    The Anti Terrorism Act was formed in 2000, just before the attacks on the World Trade Centres. The Terrorism act was introduced to reduce conflict between East and West and make the public live in a safer environment.

    Of the total 1228 arrested under the Terrorism Act 2000, only 132 were charged with terrorism legislation offences.

    There have been 41 convictions under the Terrorism Act to date.

    183 have beenconvicted under other charges: murder and explosives offences (including conspiracies), grievous bodily harm, firearms offences, fraud, false documents offences etc.

    114 are at or awaiting trial.

    Gang/Gun Crime

    Gang culture is seen as a problem by one in five of England’s secondary schools according to a report by the education watchdog Ofsted.Violent crime in the UK has significantly increased. Gang culture is seen as a status symbol for young people.

    According to the Metropolitan Police gun crime is mainly committed by young men aged 16-25. Offenders and victims are getting younger and a disproportionate number are African Caribbean. 

    Shotguns can cost as little as £50 to £200

Unlawful Sex


Different ideologies taught in schools – TERRORISM, LGBT, EVOLUTION

Social Media

Diet – obesity



  1. inculcate Islamic teachings when young
  2. start explain to them about islam
  3. Less cartoons and games
  4. Start prayers
  5. More communication and less  mobile phone apps and games
  1. Show good examples at home
  2. Don’t just rely on madrasah
  3. Must emphasise on the importance of education also – ambition is ok in islam
  4. Good control of diet
  5. Don’t get bogged down by traditional practices that are unislamic
  6. Need to monitor friends, social media, etc
  7. Maintain good relations with children
  8. Good manners to be inculcated
  9. Du’a – 25:74, 14:40