About Us
Surah All ‘Imran (3) verse 104:
“Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islam), enjoining Al-Ma’ruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden). And it is they who are the successful.”
InshaAllah we want to be among those whom Allah Labelled as “successful”, meaning the ability to enter Paradise, by inviting everyone to follow the right path and reminding everyone on the truth inshaAllah.
Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
“I have left you with two matters which will never lead you astray, as long as you hold to them: the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of his Prophet.”
Source: al-Muwaṭṭa’ 1661
In acts of worship, we only worship in accordance to the evidence which we find in the Qur’an and in authentic hadeeths.
Steps2Allah was set up, alhamdulillah, in 2005. Only 6 people attended the very first gathering in a house in Islington, Central London, celebrating an important occasion when one revert brother – brother Saifullah, previously known as Simon, reverted to Islam. That momentous event, alhamdulillah, spurred on regular gatherings, perhaps once every 3-4 weeks which comprises of brothers and sisters of various nationalities.
Alhamdulillah quite a number of people have taken their shahadah in the gathering place which was later named as ‘DARUSSALAM’ (A Peaceful Abode). The oldest person who took shahadah was a 90 year old Irish sister who sadly passed away. May Allah Grant her Jannatul Firdaus. The youngest person who took shahadah was a 16 year old sister, alhamdulillah.
Besides focusing and emphasising on Tawheed, Salah as well as ensuring members can read the Qur’an in Arabic as well as understanding and implementing the Qur’anic verses, the implementation of the Qur’an is a very important part of Steps2Allah.
Steps2Allah would occasionally help to feed the homeless in London as well as provide financial assistance to those who are suffering in many countries such as Iraq, Palestine, Yemen, Syria, etc. During various calamities such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes in Indonesia and a typhoon disaster in the Philippines, as well as droughts in parts of Africa, Steps2Allah collected money from its members and sent money via Islamic charities such as Islamic Relief and Muslim Aid.
Steps2Allah also has various projects in the poorest parts of Indonesia, such as in Wonosari. We are handling and maintaining at least 13 mosques in Wonosari and 1 more mosque inshaAllah will be built shortly in central Java.
Money is regularly sent to feed the orphans and poor in these deprived parts, including providing supplemental teachers’ salaries, who may be paid only £10 per month in these deprived parts of Indonesia. When the drought season comes, we would provide these villagers with truckloads of drinking water alhamdulillah.
Ramadan is an especially important month, as thousands of pounds alhamdulillah are sent every year to Indonesia to feed the poor and provide them with iftar. The orphans are also given EID presents from us alhamdulillah. Lastly, the Qurban (Udhiyah) was also done by Steps2Allah in Indonesia, and usually, about 4 cows and about 7 sheep are slaughtered and distributed to many poor areas.
With the number of members increasing, especially the number of new Muslims joining Steps2Allah, the role of Steps2Allah to assist the Muslim community in London as well as in other parts of the world is now even more significant than before, be it providing or supplementing the Muslim community with Islamic knowledge, giving da’wah to non Muslims or providing the financial aid to some of its members as well as those worldwide.
Throughout the year, new ad hoc initiatives are created according to what may be required. We have been part of raising money for school buses in Indonesia. The buses are very important to transport children to school in this poor village called Wonosari. Some of these kids are 7 to 8 years old. Without this transport the parents may be forced to send these kids to schools near their houses which may be Christian faith schools. Steps2Allah is handling 12 mosques and madrasah, and Alhamdulillah our students always win the Qur’an recitation and Qur’an memorisation competition there.
May Allah Accept all our deeds, Increase our Iman and Taqwa, ease our efforts on our journey in this world to please Him.